
Grow with Human

Cut through the spam and stand out to subscribers

Grow with Human


In the realm of ecommerce, email marketing emerges as a strategic powerhouse, driving sales and turning subscribers into loyal customers and devoted brand advocates.

Human’s team of experts deeply understands the nuances of customer trends and behaviors, allowing us to craft customized email services that smash Black Friday and supercharge sales in your slow season.

Our Approach

Human’s email marketing services are designed to help you generate results. We work with you to develop targeted email campaigns that reach your customers and inspire them to take action!

Research & Uncover Opportunities

  • Define the buyer journey to see how leads and customers interact with your brand
  • Understand what drives your audience to take action
  • Analyze current customer behavior to understand what’s working today
  • Evaluate past campaign performance and email templates to solidify a data-driven gameplan

Develop Your Strategy

  • Uncover the ideal tactics to capture leads and grow your database
  • Outline your current automated workflows to identify gaps
  • Build an email calendar that maximizes conversions around relevant holidays or events

Execute & Optimize

  • Send personalized and well-designed emails that keep users invested in your brand
  • Build automated workflows that increase conversion rates and lifetime value
  • Leverage technology to track behavior and interests to improve personalization
  • Conduct A/B tests to continuously improve email performance

Analyze & Measure Results

  • Analyze the performance of every email variation and campaign
  • Apply results and learnings to inform your future email strategy

Sending emails is like going on a first date. You need to charm your audience and win them over to earn a second date (or in this case, to earn their engagement with your business).

Jessica Selby / Sr. Marketing Manager

Strategic Fit

Email marketing is just one facet of your growth strategy. As you grow your database and increase email engagement rates, you need to explore other channels to acquire new leads and customers to further propel your growth.

One [email] strategic project that they recommended within our first 6 months of working together resulted in more than $25,000 in donations to the organization. Overall, our online community has exceeded growth expectations, and our e-communications are exceeding performance goals.

Alissa Zito Cruz Chief Communications Officer of Step Up


What can I expect from Human's email marketing services?

As your dedicated ecommerce email marketing agency, Human helps you segment your audience, develop targeted email campaigns and track results to continually improve your performance. Our goal is to help you generate more revenue from your email marketing efforts!

How often should I email my audience?

This varies depending on the products or services you provide and your audience’s appetite for emails.

While there are industry standards for how many emails you should send your database, it’s important to analyze how past campaigns have performed by reviewing campaign engagement rates. If you send more emails and notice open rates steadily decline, it might be time to reduce how many emails you send. On the other hand, you can also slowly ramp up how many emails you send if your engagement rates stay consistent.

What types of messages should I send to my email database?

Workflows should be the backbone of your email strategy. Workflows automatically email subscribers multiple times over a period of time based on triggers. When contacts meet specific criteria, they will receive a series of emails. Common ecommerce workflows include: abandoned cart, post-purchase review requests, repurchase reminders and more.

You’ll also want to supplement your workflows with additional email campaigns or one-time email sends. Common ecommerce email marketing messages include: sales and promotions, new product releases and newsletters.

Ready to grow with Human?

Let’s work together to create a custom strategic growth plan for your business.